If You Want the Most Unique and Outrageous Real Estate Marketing Event Ever to Tour New Zealand, Brace Yourself…..The Real Estate Industry’s Finest ‘Outrageous Trainer’ and Australia’s leading ‘Outageous Real Estate Agent’ Have Joined Forces to Rock the Land of the Long White Cloud!
If 2012 wasn’t the most fun you’ve ever had in your real estate career and you’re wanting 2013 to absolutely ROCK, then come and spend a day with us.
I get it, your letters aren’t working as well as they used to, and an increasing amount of your target area are adding their names to the ‘Do Not Call’ list and the calls aren’t being answered anyway, so what do you do?
Well, there’s an old saying….
If You Keep Doing What You’ve Always Done……
Well, what’s next?
You’ll Always Get……What You Always Got ??
WRONG, it won’t be even close. Keep doing what you’ve always done, and you’ll be FORGOTTEN. I heard recently from one of my mentors….
Be Phenomenal or Be FORGOTTEN
And I promise you, I have no agenda to be loyal to a brand, or a franchise, and it boils my blood when some (certainly not all) brands and franchises put the brand first at the salesperson’s expense. (Especially when it comes to some of these more ‘Out of the Box’ techniques.)
… let me make this 100% clear.
I am the Sales Trainer/Speaker/Coach who is ‘You First, everything else, including ME, Second’
when it comes to what I teach.
Take a look at this vid…..
Now, if you’re still with me (yes the ‘soon to be forgotten agents have already left, and good riddance, because this event is NOT for the weak of heart.) Here are just some snapshots of what we’ll be covering in this ‘Rebellious’, ‘Out of the Box’ event.
- “You win the kids, you win the Mum, you win the Mum, you win Dad, you win Dad, you got the Money” – I recently interviewed Bob Wolff in the USA and Bob gave me this great principle. I now have some surefire ways NEVER before trained in Australia EVER to do just this. An absolute Masterclass I was given by the great Bob Wolff, and I can pass the strategies on to you…..
- Speaking of Masterclasses, you think you’ve seen Chris Gilmour, think again. This phenom is continually re-vamping his marketing to stay on top of his game and is always looking for ways to improve efficiency. His new talk is one of the best I’ve ever seen, and will be unveiled here in New Zealand for the first time !!
- Using video in not only marketing your properties (but we will cover that in great detail) but also in marketing YOU. Sellers will be approaching YOU at Open Homes and asking if you can ‘ do one of those videos for my property?’ How do we know this? It’s happening to Chris and many others in my coaching program every weekend.
- Remembering the idea that you have to be better at MARKETING your business than you are at DOING your business, I will show you no less than 7 ways to market yourself, and I promise, not a single, solitary one of them involves a letter, a free appraisal offer, or any of the other yesteryear, tired old crud that has been shoved down your throat for years. (You and I both know, it just ain’t working anyway, that tired old crud !!)
and much much more. As you know we cram in as much as we possibly can every single time I run an event, and this affordable event will be NO different.
He’s got some new strategies and techniques that will literally blow your mind. And still, his competition are struggling to get stock. In fact, MANY agents are suggesting that stock is hard to come by. Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. We just got a bit spoiled by the 2000′s. Listing’s and Sales came easily, everyone who sold got a six figure profit in capital growth. Things were great. And then, along came a MARKET WIDE shift. But only for some !! Some agents are going from strength to strength, and I’ve reverse engineered the most effective, ‘attention getting’ marketing tactics the best in the country are using to dominate their areas and leave their competition behind. But this event is not only for agents already doing well……
Have a look at what this champion achieved, WHAT A CASE STUDY, in just a few short months, (not years) after hanging out with us…..Click the play button on the video below…..

“I only started 3 months ago and the first month was a bit of a write off as you can imagine, getting systems learned and how to upload a listing and similar admin type duties. So in the first two months of actual work, I managed to book and see 20 appraisals, list 12 properties, 8 of them with good marketing budgets, and sold five. I know these numbers may not be much compared to some of the others in Glenn’s coaching program, but in this market, from what I’ve heard, I’m stoked. And I’m just warming up. Watch this space”
Treston Bamber Ray White South Brisbane
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to insult you and say it isn’t tough right now. For most agents it is very tough, but not for all. But the fact is, more agents are really hurting right now than any time in the last twenty years.
- Agents are finding it harder and harder to find opportunities to list a property.
- When they do, they are finding it harder to get their full commission.
- The debate ensues with owners over who is to pay for the advertising campaign and where is the place to advertise.
- Competition is getting harder and more ruthless with other agents doing anything to undercut and undermine your hard work.
What’s the solution?
Frankly, the solution used to be simpler than it is currently. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to cut through the clutter in your clients’ lives to have your marketing message seen and heard. And the tired old strategies of yesteryear are simply not working, or not working as effectively as they once did. But we’ve figured it out.Our guys are getting more business, and making more sales than ever before, and completely dominating their areas. Call Simon Finlayson, from the Gold Coast, in his second year, earning just short of half a million dollars. Call Chris Gilmour, in his third and fourth year, pocketing just over the million dollar mark. Call Mark Noble, who called me today, barely started in the industry, and just told me about his successes in his first few months, and how his boss is finally coming around to our way of thinking. Call David Cargill, who is in his fourth month in the game, and is the second highest lister in his office. The list goes on…..Michael Spillane, Edgar, Treston, Christine, Mark, Nathan, Sue…… I mean this list is long, and spans the country, and even some New Zealand agents, Glenn Taylor, Sue Hall, and a bunch of others have embraced these new ideas.
No other organisation can boast, per capita, the success of their students like our group. I say this not to brag, but to prove to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt that investing a few dollars and even more precious, a day of your time, to come and join us, FOR a pittance, and see if your career can get the same supercharging.
No more cookie cutter, dime a dozen, replaceable, forgettable, interchangeable and same ole same ole real estate agents !!!
Give us one DAY, and we’ll go through the following, and much more…..
- Six of the best strategies I learned in my recent trip to the USA (that cost me $15,000 to attend) – NOT your average material.
- How to put your career and prospecting on AUTO-PILOT so you can play golf, surf, or whatever it is you want to do when you actually achieve ‘WORK/LIFE balance’ (and not be like the ‘keyboard warriors’, and just talk about it on facebook)
- Four crucial strategies that have never yet been known to the mainstream Real Estate community, but have changed the game for the few who know them
- What media is going to take over from cold calls, newspapers, door knocks and all the other ‘old school’ media, and virtually eliminate the need for traditional ‘prospecting.’
- How video marketing is about to change the face of Real Estate, and how to lead the way using this new technology, and not be a follower in two years time. (you will be using video in your marketing one day, it’s just a question of whether you’ll be chasing and catching up to your competitors, or leading the way and have them chasing you. I’d prefer you were the latter !!)
- Once these marketing strategies have got you all the leads you can handle, how to convert them to listings, each and every time, with a Seller marketing investment, and priced the way you want them.
and much much more.
What a few others have said -

“Mat Steinwede describes Glenn Twiddle (NB – recently described by John McGrath as the best agent in the world)”
“…Glenn is 10/10. He’s always on the job constantly. I know all of his coaching clients have sensational success. If you’re thinking about using him, just pick up the phone and USE HIM !!’ – Mat Steinwede Real Estate Superstar & Author #1 Agent in Australia

“#1 Real Estate Agent in Queensland, Chris Gilmour…..”
“I reckon Glenn Twiddle would be the Number One Real Estate Trainer in Australia. And I’ve met a lot of trainers and I’ve been to pretty much every seminar. And he taught me everything in my first and second years and in many ways improved those to make my business what it is today.” Chris Gilmour All Properties Group
“#2 RE/MAX agent in Australia has his say….(click video to watch)”
Michael Spillane #2 RE/MAX Agent in Australia
Our 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you think this day was anything less than a game changer, come and see me or any of the team members, and we’ll make sure you get your money back every cent, plus a gift to say sorry. I have offered all manner of guarantees in the past, double or triple your money back etc, and out of the thousands of people who have ever come, only one person has ever asked for double his money (and I suspect he did it just to see if I’d honour it). So please know, that you are in very, very safe hands.
July 30 – Christchurch
Time – (rego 8.30am) 9am sharp-4.30pm (networking drinks following)
Venue – Chateau on the Park - 189 Deans Ave Riccarton, Christchurch 8011
Cost – AU$83 (we wanted to keep it under $100 NZ.)
July 31 – Auckland
Time – (rego 8.30am) 9am sharp-4.30pm (networking drinks following)
Venue – Alexandra Park Raceway, Greenlane Road West, Epsom
Cost – AU$83 (we wanted to keep it under $100 NZ.)
Aug 1 – Wellington
Time – (rego 8.30am) 9am sharp-4.30pm
Venue – Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club
Cost – AU$83 (we wanted to keep it under $100 NZ.)
PS – This event last time, with little to no marketing completely sold out, so don’t wait. If you want an immediate increase in the quality and quantity of your listings, of course leading to sales and commissions, you absolutely cannot afford to miss this event, unlikely to be repeated for 2013.